I am having trouble getting the desired effect.
My code to create the animation is:
key: 'death',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('player', {prefix: 'bof ', suffix: '.aseprite', start: 28, end: 33}),
frameRate: 10,
repeat: 0
It is called at the end of the if statement below which is in my update method.
if(!this.playerIsDead) {
if (this.cursors.left.isDown)
this.player.anims.play('walk', true); // walk left
this.player.flipX = true; // flip the sprite to the left
else if (this.cursors.right.isDown)
this.player.anims.play('walk', true);
this.player.flipX = false; // use the original sprite looking to the right
} else {
this.player.anims.play('idle', true);
// jump
if (this.cursors.up.isDown && this.player.body.onFloor())
} else {
I have referred to the post https://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/41298-how-to-not-loop-animation/. If I set the second parameter of anims.play to false, then the animation doesn’t play at all. Regardless of the repeat setting it plays infinitely so it doesn’t seem to work as described in the post I have referenced.
What I want to do is play the animation just one time and freeze on the last frame. Can someone advise?