Playing animation while turning

Hi there. Maybe I am misunderstanding something, but I am looking for a way to play my player’s animation while turning. Currently, if the player turns while the animation is playing, the animation basically cancels so to speak because the turn overwrites the animation so to speak. Is there a way to rotate sprites but also while preserving the full play duration of an animation?

I am using the following setup for playing animations:

this.anims.create({ key: 'swing1', frames: [ { key: '1' }, { key: '2' }, { key: '3' }, { key: '4' }, { key: '5' }, { key: '5' }, { key: '10' }, { key: '16' }, { key: '20' }, { key: '16' }, { key: '10' }, { key: '5' }, { key: '4' }, { key: '3' }, { key: '1' }, { key: '1' }, ], duration: 100, //frameRate: 60, //repeat: -1 });