setScrollFactor makes objects to disappear

I want some of my game objects follow the camera (fixed to camera) but when ever I set the setScrollFactor like:
this.add.image(3070, 2700, “flame_big_1”).setScrollFactor(0);
the image will disappear from the screen. It appears again in the game over scene but is not visible during the game. Any idea why this is happening?

(3070, 2700) would be pretty far down unless it’s a huge game canvas.

Yes the canvas is 3200 * 3200 so it is inside that. The same happens with my timer. It works fine but I would like it to be fixed to camera but it disappears when I use setScrollFactor. I think I have very special problems that no one else has.

Change (x, y) until it appears? Toward (0, 0).

Thanks, that really works. What’s the secret of that.

It is now in the center on the camera but I would try to set in the bottom right. There might be setting for that.

Is the whole game canvas (3200 × 3200) even visible in the browser window?

I have this.cameras.main.setZoom(2.5); and the player is wandering in a labyrinth. I managed now to set the timer coordinates so that it is rendered now on the right bottom corner. Thak you very much!