I am building a game with phaser and at this point I am trying to create a health bar for my main sprite.
This health bar is supposed to be in the top left corner at all times during the game.
To build the health bar I use 2 arcs and 18 rectangles, so that each piece counts as 5 hp.
How can I set it to be static in top? I tried to use .setScrollFactor(0); as it is mentioned in the examples, however when I set this property the rectangle or the arc disappears.
Thank you for your help
I think you’ll need to show some code that constructs your health bar.
A simple sprite will stick to the camera when you set the scrollfactor to 0,0.
Are you using a mask? If so the graphics object for the mask will also need to be set to scrollfacotr 0,0 as masks are global and not relative to the sprite they are attached to.
@jppresents this is how I construct my health bar:
constructor(scene, x, y, width, height, corFill, corUnfill, value, singleDecreaseValue) {
this.minValue = 0;
this.maxValue = value;
this.corUnifll = corUnfill;
this.corFill = corFill;
this.arc1 = scene.add.arc(x, y, height, 270, 90, true, corFill, 1);
this.rectangles = new Array(this.rectangleNo);
var valueToAdd = width / this.rectangleNo;
for (let i = 0; i <= 17; i++) {
this.rectangles[i] = scene.add.rectangle(
x + valueToAdd * i,
width / this.rectangleNo,
height * 2,
this.arc2 = scene.add.arc(x + width, y, height, 270, 90, false, corFill, 1);
this.text = scene.add.text(x + width / 4, y + height * 2, '100/100', {
fontFamily : 'Arial',
fontSize : 25,
color : 0xffffff
this.arc1.scrollFactor = 0;
Hey, I think you’ll have to do it like this:
at the end do:
and in the loop at the end:
Each individual part needs to have a scroll factor of 0 for x and for y. (Since they are not connected).
@jppresents already tried, not working 
It’s working for me.
This is the adjusted code (so I could just put it in my create function, set the color to a fixed value and used 17 for the amount of rectangles):
let arc1 = this.add.arc(60, 140, 20, 270, 90, true, 0xFF00FF, 1);
let arc2 = this.add.arc(60 + 100, 140, 20, 270, 90, false, 0xFF00FF, 1);
arc1.setScrollFactor(0, 0);
arc2.setScrollFactor(0, 0);
let rectangles = new Array(17);
let valueToAdd = 100 / 17;
for (let i = 0; i <= 17; i++) {
rectangles[i] = this.add.rectangle(
60 + valueToAdd * i,
100 / 17,
20 * 2,
(typescript code, hence the “let” for variables, I think it needs to be “var” to compile in javascript)
Looks like this when I move my sprite around:
When I put the .setScrollFactor(0,0); the parts just disappear. I tried to put .setScrollFactor(0,0); just for the first arch and it disappears. If I put just like you did, the whole thing disappears.
Hmm, is your camera at 0,0 when you create the health bar?
Maybe it is getting fixed “off screen” because the camera is already moved?
But at this point I’m just speculating.
All I do to the camera is after creating the health bar(which is created in the main sprite’s class) is:
this.cameras.main.zoom = 0.5;
@jppresents I figured it out now that when I do setScrollFactor(0, 0);
it changes the position of the object:
Issue closed!
I realized that I was inserting the world coordinates and the setScrollFactor(0, 0);
takes the actual canvas coordinates. With some adjustments, it is working like a charm! Thank you @jppresents for your support! Wish you everything good
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