Hey there
I’m building a game as a side project. I’m struggling with my particles to result the same way I did in my artwork :
Here is a demo of the current state of the game. https://youtube.com/shorts/-kcjdRjAXm0?feature=share
(Edit : better quality) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UirFrriJDNM
As you can see. The gas particle on the bottom of the screen is not rendering the same way it does in my art. Even if I used the same brush and same colors for the particle (one purple one black).
Do you know how I could get a better result ?
Also, if you have any advice to improve the global render It would be a pleasure to read it since I’m not a professional game developer. Thanks
PS : here is the code that manage the gas particles
import {BlendModes} from "phaser";
export class ToxicGas {
private scene: Phaser.Scene;
private particles: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene) {
this.scene = scene;
private initToxicGas() {
const { width, height } = this.scene.scale;
this.particles = this.scene.add.container();
const lightParticles = this.scene.add.particles(0, 0, 'toxicGasLight',
x: { min: 0, max: width },
y: height,
lifespan: 2000,
speedY: { min: 0, max: -100 },
scale: { start: 0.5, end: 1 },
alpha: { start: 1, end: 0 },
blendMode: BlendModes.NORMAL,
quantity: 10,
frequency: 200,
const darkParticles = this.scene.add.particles(0, 0, 'toxicGasDark',
x: { min: 0, max: width },
y: height,
lifespan: 2000,
speedY: { min: 0, max: -100 },
scale: { start: 0.5, end: 1 },
alpha: { start: .5, end: 0 },
blendMode: BlendModes.DARKEN,
quantity: 5,
frequency: 200,