Thoughts on my game

Very early days…
But, here is my latest build as of today.
It’s my first game.

Main thing i’m pleased with today is i’ve coded a an alien rush generator based on json, which allows me to quickly create different waves of enemies with different properties e.g. fire rates / speed / follow path etc

So much still to do…Can see 3 months work ahead.

Got a sticky replay ability model in mind based on another top down shooter i played…
Been working on it night and day.

Obviously a long way to go, but can anyone give me any suggestions for turning an html 5 game into cash ? Quite probably not this one. I’m an out of work web developer by trade.

I heard you can potentially put games on facebook and make money from the ads ?.

Also at the moment all my code is in one file. Something tells me i need to split it up to make more manageable. Suggestions please. Obviously a lot of the mechanics will be the same level to level.
Have a common.js file and different files per scene ?

Loving Phaser 3. Thankyou for making it!


Oh Yeah - wasd / mouse 1 to fire

Hi. A few simple questions:
Do you use npm?
use phpStorm or similar?

Not really how come ?

Massive update. Come along way this week…

WASD - Mouse 1 to fire. The more i get to grips with phaser the more i like it. Great work.

URL has changed…

Couple of questions ?

What’s a reasonable size for the total game including assets ?

Is it ok to store lots of properties e.g. health on gameObjects, rather than in variables ?

I am old school - I have never learnt to code in classes. Would I make my life a lot easier by learning this now before i go any further?

Any feedback much appreciated


“What’s a reasonable size for the total game including assets ?” -
It depends on the size of the games and where you want to put it.
You might like Facebook instant games. There are many built-in methods, such as storing game files, user data, and built-in advertising. Which is very nice at the start.
Read their limitations. It seems that they allow downloading up to 3 MB at the start of the game.

“Is it ok to store lots of properties e.g. health on gameObjects, rather than in variables ?” -
you can, but I prefer not to mix data and output.
for example: create a “ship” class and store properties and sprites separately in it. (gameOBJECT)

“Would I make my life a lot easier by learning this now before i go any further?” - this is a difficult question. Our schools provide basic knowledge. If you already have them, it makes little sense. It is better to study the architectural principles of building code, then your life will definitely become easier.
I highly recommend that you first understand Solid.

npm - позволяет удобно подключать в проект библиотеки.
webPack - сборщик проекта, который я использую. (Есть и другие). Позволит собрать в кучу твой проект из кучи файлов. (Ты ведь этого хочешь?)
phpStorm - очень крутая IDE, сильно облегчает разработку.

P.s.s. I hope my answers were useful for you :slight_smile:

Yes. They were useful. Thanks for the tips. I am going to stop game coding and try and convert what i’ve done already into classes. Also i need some kind of state management i think.

Lots of learning to do.