Using the Phaser3 particle emitters, is it possible to first scale up then scale down particles?
I was looking at examples in this video about Particle Effects in Smash Brothers and I would like to recreate the sparkling effects at 1:44 in the video.
It uses a fairly standard flash graphic as particles, but they need to grow to appear then shrink to disappear.
I know I can set the scale
property with a start
and end
value, but then I can only make it either grow (start small end big) or shrink (start big end small).
this.flasheffect = this.add.particles(0, 0, "sprites", {
frame: ["flash1", "flash2", "flash3"], // random three colors
x: { min: 100, max: 400 },
y: { min: 100, max: 200 },
lifespan: 400,
scale: { start: 1.0, end: 0.0 },
quantity: 20,
frequency: 100,
emitting: false
Is there a way to make the particles scale with more key-frames than just the two start/end? Or maybe use the yoyo effect?