When will resolution settings be operable?


First of all: @rich Thank you so much for developing Phaser, it looks really great!

In the past I have developed many html5 games using the Panda2 game engine. In my current project I am using webpack + typescript and since Phaser works very well with these packages, I wanted to investigate if I could replace Panda engine and give Phaser a try.

I really would like to use separate spritesheet packages for different resolutions as I have done in the past using Panda2. This property appears to be in development though, currently the documentation states:

     * The canvas resolution.
     * This is hard-coded to a value of 1 in the 3.16 release of Phaser and will be enabled at a later date.
     * @name Phaser.Scale.ScaleManager#resolution
     * @type {number}
     * @since 3.16.0
    this.resolution = 1;

When is the resolution parameter expected to be available?
