Dracarys - What is the best way to implement fireballs/dragon fire?

I’ve been tinkering with this little Phaser 3 scene:


Live demo here:

(it’s a jsfiddle - you may have to disable your ad blocker to get the image assets to load - doesn’t work on mobile)

I am currently using an invisible sprite with one or more particle attached to it to create the fireballs…
That feels clumsy.

Is there a better way to use particle emitters to get this effect?

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You could use

{ x: { onEmit: function() {/*…*/} } }

See https://jsfiddle.net/jyqtc3o9/3/

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just use a live editor for particle json generating…
like this one: https://koreezgames.github.io/phaser3-particle-editor/
this editor can’t use customized texture, so I use the built-in texture to make what I want, and later modify the exported json to use my own texture


That’s better, thanks!

I did have a play with that, I found it a little frustrating to use.
I think I’ll make a modified version of that editor since most of my
particle effects will be moving so to speak.