I tried with phoneGap, all is okay, but all good programmers hate this methods and projects with phaser and phonegap is rating negative…
i too try using Cordova for simple example, after a few hours someone write on stackoverflow its impossible to export sounds with cordova to android, my problem was console return "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" (when load atlas)
Read about it and find similar problem, i must change some config with MIME … but any solution on internet is not avaible for this.
I find a Cocoon framework, was shutdown february 2019…
Currently i have big project realized on localhost server with pure phaser/js working on XAMPP servers.
I want turn this HTML5 game into phone game,the easiest way possible.
If the game isn’t resource intensive than there is no problem with using cordova/phonegap.
e.g. I mad simple tic-tac-toe game in Phaser 3 and made an android app using cordova. It took 1-2 days to setup and make an app. It was working fine with all sounds. I didn’t encounter any problem with sounds. It just worked for me. It was a very small game so no problem in rendering too.
So, if your game is not resource intensive than you can just use cordova. It will work fine. Just sharing my little experience on porting Phaser 3 game to android using cordova.
Hi @losos I have a few Android games made with Phaser 3. For example my game Endless Cave was quite a big project and it runs perfectly fine on Android phones.