Publishing Phaser Game to iOS

Just trying to pick some brains here. Are you guys publishing HTML5 games on iOS store anymore? If yes, what tools do you use? Is cordova reliable enough after closure of CocoonJS?


Sure! Cordova is still relevant IMO and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I’ve also seen developers wrap their HTML5 game in a React-Native app. Using React-Native you can communicate with your WebView using window.postMessage.

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I have never actually published a game, but I did port one of my existing Phaser games to iOS to test out Capacitor, which is similar to the tools you and @Sabatino were mentioning.

It’s awesome and the documentation is really clear and concise! I also looked into using Electron but I haven’t tested it out yet.

Good luck!

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Thanks Guys, I am going to be looking into the options suggested by you. May update with my findings as and when I do so.

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