Problem when removing scene with update


I 've made this simple jsfiddle to show my problem.

I know how remove a scene with :


But the problem is with the update function. If i kill my objects, the update function log me errors.

What’s the proper way to do that ?

Thanks in advance.

var obj;

const my_game = {
    init: () => {
        var main = new Phaser.Class({
            Extends: Phaser.Scene,
            initialize: function main() {
      , {
                    key: 'main'
            create: function () {

                obj = {
                    x: 15
                let _this = this
                window.setInterval(function () {
                }, 2000);

            update: function () {
                if (obj.x > 10) {
                    // just to reveal the problem with state
                    //HERE THE ERROR

        var config = {
            type: Phaser.WEBGL,
            width: 320,
            height: 320,
            backgroundColor: '#fffff',
            parent: 'phaser-example',
            physics: {
                default: 'matter',
                matter: {
                    debug: false,
                    gravity: {
                        y: 0,
                        x: 0,
            scene: [main]
        var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

What do you want to do? Removing a scene is permanent, it can’t be started again after that.