I’m a beginner with Phaser 3 and I’m trying to build some examples like Bejeweled, although I’m having some issues with the grid positioning in the scene.
Is it possible to make the grid appear for example in the middle of the screen but only showing the 10x10 “playable” grid?
I’m using this code and this
this.bejeweled = new Bejeweled(this, {
board: {
grid: {
gridType: 'quadGrid',
x: 30,
y: 30 - 600,
cellWidth: 60,
cellHeight: 60,
type: 'orthogonal' // 'orthogonal'|'isometric'
width: 10,
height: 20 // Prepared rows: upper 10 rows
The example gives a negative positioning in “y” so that the grid goes up and it “hides the upper rows” as in Bejeweled - Notes of Phaser 3
Board is separated into two parts: upper and bottom
- Bottom : Visible N rows, to swap chess and run matching.
- Upper : Invisible N rows, chess in these rows will move down, to fill bottom rows.
For example, if amount of visible rows is
should set to20
Am I missing something, or it just works like this by design?
This is my example with the grid at the top, as in the tutorial: (in my code I’m using a 8x8 grid)
If I change “y” to something like “this.scale.height / 2 - 300” to center it in the scene
this.bejeweled = new Bejeweled(this, {
board: {
grid: {
y: this.scale.height / 2 - 600,
width: 8,
height: 18 // Prepared rows: upper 10 rows
Thank you in advance and congratulations to who build this great framework and rex plugins