Rotate main camera on dynamic tilemap makes black lines


When trying to rotate a dynamic tile map i’m seeing black lines during the rotation process on the “bottom” and “top” of the viewport. If I am understanding what is happening, since the dynamic tilemap culls tiles that aren’t being rendered, they technically dont exist, but in this case they should not be because they are in view?

When i changed my map to use static layers, the issue is gone completely, but I need to use dynamic for my game :frowning:

I am wondering if there is a way to change the culling distance? Or maybe this needs to be filed as a bug?

If anyone has any suggestion around this I am willing to try.


setCullPadding. Not sure if that’s the issue though, as I don’t know what the rotation process is. I assume it’s not a tile extrusion issue, since it’s not constant?


Found answer:

  layer.cullPaddingX = 10
  layer.cullPaddingY = 10

Seems to fix it for me at least. If anyone has better solution I will still try.

that also works thanks prob.