I design and programmed the game my self, and thanks for all person that help me to fix my game issues while on development.
The objective of the game is just kill other players or get a bonus coin as much as you can, if player reach point target, player weapon will be upgraded.
Actually i don’t like playing games, so i don’t know whether my game is fun or not.
Can you give a feedback or suggestion to improve this game?
Currently there are 2 available server to choose, Asia/singapore and America/dallas
Each server have a same specs (1 cpu and 1gb ram) and using NodeJS as backend
I’m curious about how you implemented isometric tiles. Phaser 3 doesn’t have a lot of examples and the support is basic. There is an isometric plugin for Phaser 2 but the port to v3 isn’t complete and I don’t quite understand it all. I’d like to import Tiled Isometric maps into Phaser. Did you use Tiled or some other technique?
I did it manually, all tiles are a spritesheet. i use loop trees to generate tiles and define it’s position by detecting if a column index is even or odd. for tile map, i use json / array to define it’s tile frame / color.
I tried your game but its not working it said server is down try to look https://colyseus.io/ it makes multiplayer implementation easy and its base in node js.